Design is the ultimate form of communication.
It is ubiquitous and effective. Take a look at your own design. What does it say about you? What does it say about your customers? You want your design to radiate a feeling that reflects your values as a business or department, but how do you do that?
You ask:
Who are we? What do we do?
Then go deeper. Is that how your customers see you? Is that how you want to look? You can usually trust your instincts, but if you need harder data, ask 10 friends (not just 1 or 2), or go all the way and commission surveys and analysis. The lesson is to be sure you are maximizing your marketing by having an advantageous design strategy.
It can be challenging to know if your design presence is constructive if you are not trained as a designer, but you are not alone. We are here to help you. Call us for an assessment of your current design, to see examples of effective design, or just to chat about Edward Tufte.